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Customer Comments

If you have any comments relating to Silverfeet then please contact us via email or through Facebook.

  • I would just like to use this opportunity to say how pleased I am with your product. I have just one horse, whom I have owned for a little over 12 years now. He had thrush in all his feet when he came to me & it has been a constant effort to control it ever since. I have been using Silverfeet since October, just once a day in the morning before turning out, when his feet are dry from a night in the stable. Despite this being the longest, wettest winter I can remember, his feet are the best they have been, except perhaps for during the most exceptionally dry weather in summer. This is amazing! My farrier can't believe it either. Usually by now, in a normal winter, he would have very tatty frogs & soft soles, not too mention the thrushy gunge. This year, yes there is still some thrush there deep down, I see a slight dark discharge from the central frog cleft, but his soles are good, the bulbs of his heels are good, his frogs are intact, & the sulcis are clear. And that's with all the mud & wet that we have had, & still have, in our paddock (I don't keep him in on wet days). Brilliant! Thank you.

  • My horse had a poorly foot, the vet was not sure what he had done, but thought he had a bruised sole that got infected or something like that. So he had to have his foot poulticed about a week. But after poulticing his foot, his foot was very soft and we were worried about the infection returning, so we used SilverFeet on his foot twice a day and within a few days his feet are now all nice and hard and strong again. The SilverFeet kept his foot infection free. Great product, easy to apply and is now part of the daily groom routine.

  • My American Thoroughbred has never had good feet and with the wet muddy conditions of late I might have expected big trouble. I have never found a successful product in the past BUT having been using SILVERFEET twice daily after washing his feet he has very healthy strong hooves, frogs and soles in spite of the weather conditions. What a fantastic product! Will never be without a pot in the future.

  • Hi! I bought a tub of silver feet for my mare, it's amazing! No mud or bedding sticking to her feet and they look awesome, thank you :)

  • I just wanted to say what a fantastic product this is ! I'm on my second pot and I recommend it to all my horsey friends. Thank you !

  • Hi, I bought a tub of Silverfeet on Friday for my horse who is currently on box rest and seems to be getting a touch of thrush. After 4 days of applications they seem to be improving no end and are looking fabulous. I'm so pleased I bought this and will continue to do so, brilliant stuff!!!

  • I'm very pleased as my horse's long-standing thrush is finally clearing (we've been battling for 2 years). Silverfeet, along with a thorough cleaning and trimming routine has meant my horse's feet are now thrush free and staying that way. I can also add the previously deep cental sulci on both front feet have completely filled in and opened up, which I'm sure was helped by Silverfeet. Putting on Silverfeet makes me feel good as I know in the back of my mind this is more than an ordinary balm; it is also active against bacteria. Top class product, will be back when my third pot runs out!

  • The difference is actually quite unbelievable!! Had frogs which were black and gooey and smelly. Within 2 days of using Silverfeet they were bone dry and the dead stuff had dried up and fallen off! It's now about a week or so in and his feet are immaculate!! I use it once a day in the morning after I've mucked out. Will definitely be on this stuff for life!

  • I just wanted to let you know that I am very pleased with the Hoof Balm. Due to the climate and very hard ground here in Mallorca, I wasn't sure if it was going to do the trick - but now I have found that if I put it on dry hooves (inside and out) in the morning, and then on damp hooves (inside and out) after riding, the results are fantastic. His hooves look well moisturised inside without being damp and grotty, and the small cracks in his hooves are being given the chance to grow out rather than developing further.

  • I love Silverfeet, and I recommend it to everyone!

  • It's amazing - been using it once a day since last July and has never had thrush since - on a horse that previously had to have antibiotic spray on tap to prevent lameness!

  • The farrier came out to shoe all the boys today and he was impressed with their feet. Since his last visit the only difference has been the use of Silverfeet. I can't recommend it highly enough.

  • I think it's brilliant used first thing in the morning for a show and it looked fab all day.....really easy to apply as it was not too hard and soaked in really well and the constant sheen left on there feet was brilliant.....recommend and will defiantly keep using.

  • My daughters Dales pony has never needed shoes and is ridden out regularly, but at times her frogs become dry and flaky especially in the summer. Since using Silverfeet daily her hoofs and frogs now look really healthy and moisturised. I have tried many other types of hoof oil/creams etc. but in my opinion "Silverfeet" is the best and we wouldn't be without it now.

  • A friend decided to rescue a horse that needed attention to its hooves. All four hooves had problems and were very sore and the horse was being seen regularly by the local vet and the farrier. I decided this would be an ideal way to test your product prior to selling through our online shop and offered the 'Silverfeet' to her to use. 5 days after using the product the horse's hooves were 90% better and the horse could be put out to graze. Now the medication provided by the vet was stopped in favour of using 'Silverfeet'. The horse is now ok.

  • Brilliant product, will definitely buy another. It even dries out the mud layer that gets stuck in my mare's feet. The mud now falls out in one big chunk rather than building up and compacting into the gaps.

  • My daughter sent me some Silverfeet for my 3 little miniature Shetlands and its doing a good job of keeping this awful wet weather from their little feet. I love it and recommend it to others on the island.

  • I am very impressed at how well it has worked, it has changed his feet and he now keeps his shoes on.

  • Since using this product my cob's frogs have firmed up and aren't as smelly. My pony's frogs are also looking cleaner and healthier. I will certainly be buying more of your product in the future.

  • It has made a vast improvement on horses feet already and is being used regularly.

  • So far I love your product. Even in the cold the product is ready to apply and smells good.

  • Excellent stuff! Recommended by farrier. So far I have noticed a more healthy looking shine to his feet than before (whilst using a well known brand of hoof ointment).

  • My 2nd tub, this stuff is brilliant, highly recommended.

  • On to pot no.2 of your lovely hoof balm. Use it twice a day and horses frogs look so healthy. Farrier commented how good they looked. Easy to apply. Very therapeutic!

  • Silverfeet has made a difference within a couple of days to my young cobs feet (he had the start signs of thrush). I will be buying Silverfeet again!!

  • Fantastic product, no smelly thrush just clean, healthy frogs and shiny hooves.

  • I'm really pleased with the Silverfeet so far!

  • Awesome stuff ! ;) xxx

  • If I'd not have seen it for myself, I would never have believed it - cleared up really bad thrush in just days (Nigel Turner - Farrier to International Show Jumpers).

  • Just to let you know my barefoot horse's thrush has gone and his frogs are filling in with lovely healthy tissue. I am really pleased to have found a product that really works and has no harsh chemicals.

  • Excellent product and fast delivery. Would recommend!

  • Very pleased with item, fast delivery.

  • I started using it as soon as it arrived and there is already a huge difference in the state of the horses' feet. Definitely wish I'd heard about the product sooner but now I know I won't be changing and will be recommending it to friends.

  • We are applying it once a day and we are seeing amazing results already! Her feet are less smelly and it's great! Once it runs out, I will be back for more!

  • Amazing product!

  • I am very impressed it seems to be working on the slight thrush that I never seem to get rid of.

  • What an Awesome idea!!! Black looks great on my pony!!!

  • Just started using this - fantastic results after only a couple of day :-)

  • Its really good clears thrush up sharp!!

  • All users of silver feet at ********* farm think its fab see a difference in feet with thrush highly recommended.

  • This Silverfeet has stopped the feet from smelling, like you said it would.

  • I saw a tub today, looks fantastic.

  • 2nd jar of this stuff, its great!!!

  • Love this stuff.

  • Great stuff it really does what it says!!

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